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In the process of creating Keys&Bricks, our first priority was to produce tasty straight vodka. We produce our vodka in a Sake brewery which has more than 100 years history and great craft technique.
Pure spring water and other materials from rich natural environment in Fukui prefecture are the important base to produce our vodka, which doesn’ t have excessive alcoholic taste but yet is strong enough to make up your night.

Vodka ‘s main materials are historically grains or potatoes. For Keys&Bricks, we chose Japanese rice to make its texture smooth and clear. Unlike normal vodka, Our biggest feature is the distillation of rice-derived alcohol, which is produced under the precise fermentation control same as the traditional production method of sake. This unique method leads to clear and miscellaneous -free taste.

Our factory uses meltwater from the mountain that slowly percolates down to the ground 15m beneath ground level. As 60% of all components of vodka is water, this underground meltwater is a definite key reason that creates a rich taste.

KEYS & BRICKS is produced at Sake factory with over 100 years of legacy in Fukui prefecture. Fukui prefecture is known for its rich natural environment full of pure spring water.
We have great love and respect towards our environment and practices the good old Japanese habit.
Our main purpose of vodka creation is not about sales. It is about delivering vodka with the best quality possible to the people those appreciate such craftsmanship.

東京都港区西麻布 4-21-2 コートヤード HIROO 3A
3A Court Yard HIROO 4-21-2 Nishiazabu,Minatoku,Tokyo,Japan

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